Four Favorites

Whew. It’s been a whirlwind of a season. I got married in the fall, we moved, and my kid started preschool. I finally feel like my body is starting to settle into this new time in my life. 

Here are a few things I’ve been enjoying lately…

Listening to… Cam

I love her soulful voice and powerful lyrics. 

Reading… Parenting with love and logic

I would not be surviving parenthood without this book right now. 

Using… silver black velvet brushes 

These brushes seriously feel like painting with velvet

              studio decor frame

These frames instantly provide a professional vintage quality to artwork.

Eating… beet and arugula salad 

I’m not usually one for beets, but add arugula and goat cheese… yum!

Working on… Vintage Book Pages

These have been a fun, playful project for me!